The following is emerging to guide our LASP work.

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CIRCLE—We learn how circles work, symbolizing the whole and paving the way for new ways of connecting, equalizing, and sharing mutual regard. SACRED SPACE—We learn how to recognize and cultivate physical, emotional, and sacred spaces and states that call forth our best selves and support further growth. RITUAL—We broaden our experience with how ritual supports the personal and collective inner experience of healing and transformation. HIGH CEREMONY—We become acquainted with more formalized rituals and ceremonies. LIMINALITY—We purposefully step into and acknowledge the betwixt and between, of where we are no longer the old and not yet the new, as the birthplace of a new future. Liminality invites in the unknown, and it is in the unknown that new discoveries are made. NATURE, EARTH WISDOM—We explore the meaning of “spirit” and “sacred” in relation to the land, developing our ability to perceive and invite in the “sacred” as something that has value in and of itself and gives meaning and energy to the whole. We meet the land as teacher and host. COMMUNITIES—This is the sacred role and function of a community of people going through change together. People in communitas suspend typical relationships to share greater intimacy from having experienced transformation together, holding each other in that space and learning so that deeper processes can take place.

LINEAGE—We explore the power of lineage as it relates to bloodlines, ancestry, teachers, traditions, and all others that stand behind us and with us. LEADERSHIP—We support the role of servant leadership, making contributions to the commons and caring for the community as a whole. We are open to approaches that lead from a sense of interconnectedness, moving beyond personal interests and organization-centered goals. SOCIAL FIELDS—We increase our awareness of how groups are immersed in larger energetic and informational fields, learning how to access wisdom from human and meta-human influences. ENSEMBLE WORK—
We support facilitating as a collective activity sharing mutual intention. We care about what allows everyone to be creative and seen while simultaneously leveraging the group for constructive contribution in the world. SENSE MAKING—We explore how traditional visual facilitation and other methods of finding meaning and patterns are enhanced and illuminated by inviting all of our senses—somatic, intuitive, energetic, emotional, and conceptual—into the process. HARVEST & COMPLETION—We learn from traditional and earthbound cultures what it means to harvest, to leave no trace, and to give something back.